What is Vinyāsa Krama Yoga?
A yoga asana practice which focuses on movement with ujjayi breath. It is taught in a self-practice system whereby the student moves with their own breath. Learning each sequence, over time and in stages. There are four foundation sequences, Chandra Krama, Marjara Krama, Simha Krama and Atapa Krama.
The central technique for Vinyāsa Krama is breathing to 1, 2, 3 pause (stambha). This leads to a more graceful and fluid asana practice.
The Vinyāsa Krama system incorporates asana, pranayama and meditation.
More details on the Vinyasa Krama system can be found on my teacher, Matthew Sweeney's, website.

The Vinyāsa Krama system has influences of the Ashtanga Vinyasa system and the teachings of Tirumalai Krishnamacharya. Described as the ‘Father of modern Yoga". Krishnamacharya taught extensively till his death in 1989, with a handful of his direct students still teaching in India today, including BNS Iyengar.
As the most influential yoga teacher of the 20th Century, Krishnamacharya’s student base continues to preserve, uphold and maintain the sacred knowledge of his teachings. The VK system is taught similarly to how Krishnamacharya taught in his later years in Chennai focussing on the individual needs of the student. Students seeking an authentic teacher will generally look to the lineage of a prospective teacher and be able to trace their lineage back through their teacher’s teacher, directly to Krishnamacharya.
Just as we seek qualified experts in the medical, scientific and educational fields of our lives, when embarking on the path of yoga it is imperative to seek an authentic, qualified and experienced teacher to guide and support our study and practice in a correct, disciplined and ethical manner. Thus making lineage of prime importance when determining alignment with the traditional practices.